Submission Guidelines

Thinking of submitting a story? Read the guidelines below first!

Content Guidelines

  1. New! Please list all characters in the story either at the beginning or at the end of the story. This will help me to create the cast list as well as to verify copyrights.

  2. All submissions must be CDD-related.

  3. No objectionable material will be entertained. This includes pornography, nihilism, racism, defamation, vulgarity, explicit sex & violence, anti-Sematism, sadism, and any other "ism" you wouldn't want your kid brother to see.
  4. Submissions should be in .html, .txt, or MS Word format.

  5. The owner of this site maintains the right to make minor cosmetic and grammatical/spelling changes to the submitted stories. The original story will NOT be changed in any way other than to correct obvious mistakes in writing.

  6. All submissions remain the property of the writer.

  7. The CDD fan site does not attempt to "rank" or "rate" stories in any way. This is because the maintainer of this site is not an English major and therefore does not pretend to be qualified to criticise others' work. All submissions will be accepted "as is" and will be posted with gratitude (provided the basic conditions are met).

  8. That being said, please try not to submit stories in bad taste!

  9. All submissions are to be mailed to me.

Writing Guidelines

  1. New! Do not use double character/line spacing. Since HTML does not support double spacing, I have to manually remove double spacing in order to reduce page size.

  2. New! Ensure that all stories have been spell-checked and proofread at least once. If possible, also try to avoid grammatical errors.

  3. All dialogue (Words between quotes "") must be on a separate line.

    Danny turned around to confront Darla Dimple.

    "You're an evil girl Darla. How could you do such an evil thing?"

    Darla just grinned maliciously and made no reply.
  4. Use exactly 3 dots to indicate continuation (e.g. "As time goes on..."). Do not add in unnecessary exclamation marks; always use a single exclamation mark and no more.

This page was last modified on 25nd July 1998

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