Please feel free take a look around. If you've never seen the show before, I'd advise that you go and see it. Although some of the reviews about this show are not terribly positive, it has garnered enough awards, and earned a strong enough following that it is definitely worth a second look.

Watch the show and make up your own mind!

If you have seen the show before, doubtless what went across your mind is where traditional ink and paint left off and CGI began. Although there are a few obvious CGI scenes (such as the curtain scene near the end when Danny pleads with his friends to do the show), most of the time it is very difficult to discern exactly what's done on computer.

Other than being a technological show piece, the other wonderful thing about the show is its simplicity and artful story telling. It is a wonderful, albeit simple show. It is not breathtaking like the Lion King, nor dazzling like Beauty and the Beast, nor was it a musical extravanganza like Aladdin.

It has a simple, direct storyline, with charming characters and a charming tale. No wonder it bombed at the box office.

By the way, in case you are wondering what Scott Bakula is doing these days, he is the starship captain aboard the Enterprise on the new Star Trek series "Enterprise."

17th April 1998

This page was last modified on 19th June 1998

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